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Fastest WooCommerce Themes in 2023

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Fastest WooCommerce Themes in 2023

When it comes to determining the fastest WooCommerce theme, it can be a challenging task due to the abundance of claims made by theme developers.

However, through rigorous and unbiased testing, we can identify the themes that truly excel in terms of speed. This is especially crucial when working on projects that require reliable and fast-loading themes for multiple clients.

To ensure our speed testing reflects real-world scenarios, we implemented a comprehensive approach. Testing the speed of theme developer demos often presents various issues, such as differences in server hosting and content variations. To overcome these challenges, we incorporated the following elements in our testing methodology:

Creating a Realistic Testing Environment

  1. Clean WordPress Sandbox Installation: We set up a clean WordPress installation using the same hosting infrastructure for all tests.
  2. WooCommerce Plugin: We installed the WooCommerce plugin, which is essential for testing WooCommerce themes.
  3. Recommended Free WooCommerce Plugins: To simulate a realistic setup, we included popular free WooCommerce plugins like Jetpack and Google Ads.
  4. Demo Products and Content: We created a set of 12 demo products with images, descriptions, and published product pages.
  5. Static Homepage: Our testing included a static homepage featuring a product gallery and banner images.
  6. Theme Unit Test Content: We imported demo posts, pages, and other elements from the Theme Unit Test XML file.
  7. Complete Menu: We ensured that a comprehensive menu was in place for thorough testing.

By configuring this testing environment, we aimed to closely replicate real-world conditions. It’s important to note that we did not optimize any media or utilize a content delivery network (CDN) during testing. While these factors are part of the “real-world” scenario, not all WordPress sites employ the same CDNs, and some may not use any CDN at all.

Additionally, the site did not have an image optimization plugin. Therefore, we filled the mock site with dummy content to assess how each theme performs without any performance upgrades.

To comprehensively evaluate WooCommerce themes, we also incorporated a legitimate store setup. We added multiple products with images, pricing, buttons, and descriptions to the mock site. Furthermore, a product gallery was included on the homepage, along with various other elements throughout the website, such as content-filled posts and pages.

By conducting tests in this manner, we aimed to provide a realistic evaluation of WooCommerce themes’ speed and performance.

Speed Test Tools and Metrics

To ensure a comprehensive evaluation of WooCommerce themes, we utilized four different website speed and optimization testing tools. By employing multiple tools, we obtained a broader perspective on the performance of each theme, enabling us to identify the fastest options available. Here’s an overview of the speed tests conducted:

GTmetrix Speed Test (Legacy)

GTmetrix is a widely used analysis tool that provides two types of speed scores and valuable insights to improve site performance. The following metrics were considered:

  • PageSpeed Score: This cumulative score, ranging from 0 to 100, takes various factors into account, including image optimization and redirects.
  • YSlow Score: Another cumulative score, also ranging from 0 to 100, which evaluates elements like DNS lookups and JavaScript.
  • Fully Loaded Time: The time it takes for the entire website to load. Lower values indicate faster loading times.
  • Total Page Size: The size of the site’s files when each theme is installed. Smaller file sizes are preferable.
  • Requests: The number of server requests required to deliver the theme site files to the end-user. A lower number of requests is more favorable.

Pingdom Website Speed Test

Pingdom Website Speed Test allows you to change the server location and provides data on page size, load time, requests, and assigns a performance grade for each test. The metrics considered include:

  • Performance Grade: A grade ranging from 0 to 100, derived from scores obtained for various factors such as errors and content sizing.
  • Load Time: The time taken to load the entire site. Faster load times are desirable.
  • Page Size: The overall size of the site files with the theme installed. Smaller sizes contribute to improved performance.
  • Requests: The total number of server requests made by the webpage. A lower number indicates better performance.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights provides scores and suggestions for improving site performance, offering specific details such as the time it takes for a site to become interactive or display its first image or text. The metrics considered are:

  • Total Score: A cumulative score ranging from 0 to 100, reflecting factors such as time to show content and idle time.
  • First Contentful Paint: The time it takes for the first image or text to appear on the site. Lower values indicate faster loading.
  • Speed Index: The time required for all site elements to load. Lower values signify quicker loading times.
  • Time to Interactive: The duration until the site becomes interactive, allowing users to click buttons or perform actions.

Bytecheck Website Speed Test

The Bytecheck Website Speed Test focuses on the Time to First Byte (TTFB), measuring how long it takes for the initial byte of data to appear on the screen. The following metrics were considered:

  • TTFB: The time taken for the first byte of data to load. Lower values indicate faster response times.
  • Total Time: The overall time for all bytes to load.
  • Header Size: Since the content on our demo site remains consistent, the header size has minimal impact on our analysis.

By leveraging these testing tools and examining a wide range of metrics, we gained a comprehensive understanding of the speed and performance of different WooCommerce themes. This approach allowed us to identify the fastest themes available for optimal website performance.

Orchid Store: A Flexible and Stylish WooCommerce Theme

When it comes to fast WooCommerce themes, Orchid Store stands out as a top contender. We conducted extensive testing on over 20 themes, and Orchid Store consistently delivered impressive results. Let’s dive into the details of this high-performing theme.

Overview of Orchid Store

Orchid Store is a WooCommerce theme that combines flexibility and style to create an exceptional online store experience. With its seamless integration with WooCommerce and a range of other ecommerce plugins, it provides a solid foundation for building your online store.

What sets Orchid Store apart is its versatility. While it offers a standard online store template, it also provides settings and demos tailored for various industries such as sporting shops and furniture stores. This means you can easily customize the theme to suit your specific niche.

The theme offers multiple customization options, utilizing the WordPress customizer and compatibility with well-known page builders like Elementor. This allows you to effortlessly create a unique and visually appealing website that performs well across all devices.

Key Features of Orchid Store

Orchid Store comes with an array of notable features that enhance your ecommerce capabilities and user experience:

  • Full WooCommerce Compatibility: Orchid Store seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce and popular WooCommerce plugins such as WooCommerce Membership, Subscription, and YITH Wishlist, enabling you to leverage advanced ecommerce functionalities.
  • Built-in Mega Menu: With a built-in mega menu, Orchid Store simplifies the process of creating large menus with visual elements and multiple dropdowns, improving navigation and user experience.
  • Ecommerce Widgets: The theme offers a library of ecommerce widgets that empower you to showcase products, promotions, and announcements effectively.
  • Wishlist Support: Orchid Store includes wishlist support, allowing users to save items for future reference, enhancing engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • Quick View Button: The quick view button feature enables users to view product details without navigating to the product page, streamlining the browsing experience.
  • Elementor Compatibility: Orchid Store works seamlessly with Elementor, one of the leading page builders in the market, giving you additional design and customization options.
  • Multilingual and Translation Support: The theme provides multilingual and translation tools, making it easy to translate your website and expand your reach to global markets.
  • Quick Color Change Settings: Orchid Store offers quick color change settings, allowing you to match your website’s branding effortlessly.
  • Special Menu: The theme includes a special menu option to display product categories or other essential links alongside your primary menu, improving navigation and accessibility.
  • Diverse Demos and Widgets: Orchid Store provides three different demos that alter the look and feel of your homepage. Additionally, it offers banner and slider widgets for making announcements and promotions.
  • Header Icon Customization: You have the freedom to choose from various icons and customize your header area, including cart and wishlist icons, to enhance visual appeal.

Performance Analysis

During our comprehensive speed tests, Orchid Store demonstrated commendable performance. Here’s a breakdown of the speed test results:

GTMetrix Speed Test:

  • PageSpeed Score: 97%
  • YSlow Score: 88%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 5.1s
  • Total Page Size: 352KB
  • Requests: 34


  • Performance Grade: 86
  • Load Time: 1.02ms
  • Page Size: 373.8KB
  • Requests: 34

PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):

  • Overall Score: 71
  • First Image or Text: 3.8s
  • Speed Index: 4.7s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 5.2s

Byte Check TTFB Test:

  • Time To First Byte: 599ms
  • Total Time: 889ms
  • Total Header Size: 517b

Orchid Store achieved an exceptional PageSpeed score of 97, surpassing all other themes in the GTMetrix evaluation. It ranked second overall when considering the average of all four performance scores. The theme also received high scores in YSlow, Pingdom, and Google Pagespeed Mobile tests.

However, Orchid Store’s load time results were slightly slower, placing it among the lower five themes in terms of load time. While the GTMetrix Load Time exceeded five seconds, the TTFB and Pingdom Load Time showed favorable results. The theme excelled in the Mobile Speed Index metric.

Despite the load time discrepancy, Orchid Store remains a solid choice due to its outstanding performance in other key metrics. It’s possible that the load time variation could be attributed to a conflicting plugin or an isolated test anomaly, as the theme consistently delivered top-notch results in other aspects.

In conclusion, Orchid Store emerges as one of the fastest WooCommerce themes, offering a desirable design, robust mobile performance, and a range of features to enhance your online store.

eStore by ThemeGrill: A Clean and Speedy WooCommerce Theme

eStore by ThemeGrill is a WooCommerce theme known for its clean and minimalist design, allowing you to create an attractive online store without overwhelming the site with excessive elements. Despite its simplicity, eStore offers several widgets and banner areas to highlight specific sections of your store.

Developed by ThemeGrill, a reputable WordPress developer, eStore stands out among their ecommerce themes for its impressive speed. During our tests, eStore consistently delivered fast loading times, making it an excellent choice for optimizing user experience.

Overview of eStore

eStore provides a sleek and minimalistic design that draws attention to key areas of your online store without cluttering the layout. It features a beautiful header module with interactive buttons for the shopping cart, favorites, and more.

The theme offers four different demos, including options for fashion and technology stores, allowing you to start with a pre-designed layout or create a niche-specific store. Customization options are abundant, enabling you to personalize the homepage and shopping areas to match your brand and preferences.

eStore is highly optimized for mobile devices, ensuring your store looks fantastic and functions seamlessly across all screen sizes. Additionally, ThemeGrill is known for its exceptional customer support, providing guidance throughout your website development process.

Key Features of eStore

eStore comes packed with a range of notable features to enhance your ecommerce site:

  • Sleek Homepage: The theme provides modules for hero images, banners, and buttons, allowing you to create an engaging and visually appealing homepage.
  • Customizable Header: eStore offers a customizable header with interactive buttons for the cart, menu, and message banner, enabling you to design a header that aligns with your brand identity.
  • Multiple Demos: Choose from four demos, including fashion and technology designs, to kickstart your store’s appearance and adapt it to your niche.
  • Customization Tools: Customize colors, widgets, and typography to match your branding and create a unique store design.
  • One-Click Demo Import: eStore simplifies the process of launching your site by providing a one-click demo import option, allowing you to choose from their growing library of demos.
  • Full WooCommerce Compatibility: The theme seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, offering a stylish shopping cart designed to drive conversions.
  • Cart Icon Menu Area: Customize and add elements to the cart icon menu area, enhancing functionality and user experience.
  • Flexible Shopping Cart Layouts: eStore provides multiple layouts for your shopping cart, enabling you to choose the one that best suits your store’s needs.
  • Store Notice Message: Display a store notice message at the top of the homepage to communicate important updates or promotions to your customers.
  • Integration with Page Builders: eStore integrates smoothly with popular page builders such as Gutenberg, Beaver Builder, and Elementor, giving you additional design flexibility.
  • Sticky Mega Menu: The theme includes a sticky menu with dropdowns and extensions, improving navigation and ease of use.
  • Additional WooCommerce Features: Upgrading to the premium plan unlocks additional WooCommerce features and drag-and-drop modules, enhancing the functionality of your store.

Performance Analysis

eStore exhibited impressive performance during our speed tests. Here’s a breakdown of the results:

GTMetrix Speed Test:

  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 89%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 4.3s
  • Total Page Size: 599KB
  • Requests: 55


  • Performance Grade: 82
  • Load Time: 1.05s
  • Page Size: 635.8KB
  • Requests: 55

PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):

  • Overall Score: 59
  • First Image or Text: 3.2s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 5.3s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 6.8s

Byte Check TTFB Test:

  • Time To First Byte: 582ms
  • Total Time: 892ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

eStore ranked among the top 10 themes when considering the average performance scores, solidifying its position as one of the fastest WooCommerce themes available. It received excellent scores in PageSpeed, Google Mobile, and YSlow tests, while the Pingdom score slightly lagged behind.

Regarding loading times, eStore displayed variations, but it remained a practical choice, especially for ecommerce-focused stores. While the GTMetrix load time exceeded four seconds, the other metrics, such as Pingdom Load Time and Mobile Speed Index, provided favorable results.

In conclusion, eStore by ThemeGrill offers a clean and minimalist WooCommerce theme with impressive performance. Its simplicity, customization options, and strong focus on ecommerce functionality make it an excellent choice for creating a fast and visually appealing online store.

Astra: A Lightweight and Customizable WooCommerce Theme

Astra is a highly popular WordPress theme, boasting over a million downloads. It offers extensive customization options and can be tailored to suit any type of website.

One of the key advantages of Astra is its library of over 150 pre-made templates, designed for various industries and websites. These templates are compatible with popular page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Gutenberg, allowing for easy customization and flexibility. Whether you’re a fashion designer, jeweler, product company, or yoga teacher, Astra has templates specifically crafted for your niche.

At its core, the Astra theme is incredibly lightweight, with a base size of only 50KB. This lightweight design ensures fast loading times, a crucial factor for an online store, as customers don’t want to wait for a slow website. Astra is optimized to work seamlessly with WooCommerce and is often recommended as one of the top ecommerce themes for WordPress.

Design-wise, Astra offers extensive customization capabilities. You can create headers and footers using a drag-and-drop interface, control colors and fonts, and choose from different layouts such as grid, list, or masonry. Additionally, Astra is optimized for mobile devices by default, ensuring a responsive and mobile-friendly shopping experience for your customers.


The Astra theme is available as a free download. Premium plans start at $59 and provide access to over 100 starter templates, one-to-one support, unlimited website usage, and other features. Advanced plans offer even more templates, access to additional plugins like Convert Pro or Scheme Pro, and free membership to the SkillJet Academy, a library of web design courses.

Notable Features

  • Extremely lightweight with a file size of only 50KB, resulting in fast loading times.
  • Responsive, mobile-friendly, and optimized for mobile sales.
  • SEO-optimized to maximize visibility in Google search results for your product listings.
  • Over 150 pre-made templates designed for various businesses, compatible with popular page builders like Beaver Builder and Elementor.
  • Conversion-ready checkout process to minimize cart abandonment.
  • Clean code following high-security standards, ensuring secure transactions for your customers.
  • Multiple product display options, including pagination or infinite scrolling.
  • Off-canvas sidebar to add product search filters.
  • Quick View feature allows customers to preview products without leaving the current page.
  • Dropdown cart window provides a convenient way to view all products added to the cart.
  • Highly customizable checkout process to enhance the overall user experience.

Performance Analysis

Astra exhibits impressive performance across various speed tests. Here are the results:

GTMetrix Speed Test:

  • PageSpeed Score: 93%
  • YSlow Score: 91%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 1.1s
  • Total Page Size: 350KB
  • Requests: 37


  • Performance Grade: 90
  • Load Time: 1.44s
  • Page Size: 365.5KB
  • Requests: 37

PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):

  • Overall Score: 79
  • First Image or Text: 2.6s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 4.4s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 3.8s

Byte Check TTFB Test:

  • Time To First Byte: 48ms
  • Total Time: 48ms
  • Total Header Size: 496b

Astra performed exceptionally well in all the tests. It achieved the highest Google Mobile performance score of 79 among the tested WooCommerce themes, making it one of the fastest themes available, and it comes at no cost.

Astra’s loading time also stood out, with its Time To First Byte (TTFB) of 48ms being the fastest among the themes tested. Although its GTMetrix score fell slightly short compared to some other themes, such as Orchid and GeneratePress, Astra still ranked within the top 5 when averaging its overall performance scores.

In summary, Astra is a lightweight and customizable WooCommerce theme that offers outstanding performance. Its wide range of customization options, responsiveness, and fast loading times make it an excellent choice for building a high-quality online store.

Kadence: Unleashing Speed and Performance for Your WooCommerce Store

In the realm of WordPress themes, one name has emerged as a top contender in the race for speed and performance: Kadence. This exceptional theme has garnered attention and praise for its remarkable capabilities, offering users high-end performance and an array of visual builders to customize every aspect of their websites. In this article, we will explore the power of Kadence, particularly in the context of WooCommerce, and delve into its notable features and performance analysis.

Unleashing the Potential of Your Online Store

Kadence is a theme that goes beyond aesthetics; it is built with WooCommerce support at its core, empowering online store owners to unleash the full potential of their businesses. With Kadence, launching your online store becomes a breeze, as it provides a range of demos that require minimal design work. Each template seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, allowing for a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Moreover, Kadence offers specific design elements tailored to the needs of ecommerce, such as captivating shopping carts and product galleries that entice potential buyers.

Pricing Options to Suit Your Needs

When it comes to pricing, Kadence provides flexible options to cater to various budgets and requirements. The core theme itself is available for free, enabling users to experience the power of Kadence without any financial commitment. For those seeking enhanced features and premium support, the premium version is available at a lifetime fee of $259. However, it’s worth noting that occasional discounts bring this price down to approximately half. The premium version includes unlimited site support and lifetime customer assistance, ensuring you have all the resources necessary to succeed. Additionally, there is an enticing lifetime membership option that grants access to valuable add-ons and plugins.

Notable Features that Propel Your WooCommerce Store

Kadence stands out from the competition with its remarkable features, designed to enhance the performance and functionality of your WooCommerce store. Let’s explore some of its key highlights:

1. WooCommerce Add-on with Custom Blocks:

Kadence integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, providing custom blocks that enable you to build a robust and visually appealing online store. These blocks offer extensive customization options, ensuring your store reflects your brand identity and captivates your target audience.

2. Widget Area for Shop Toggling:

With Kadence, managing your shop becomes effortless. The theme offers a dedicated widget area that allows you to toggle the visibility of your shop with ease. This flexibility ensures a seamless transition between showcasing your products and focusing on other aspects of your website.

3. AJAX Feature for Effortless Cart Management:

Kadence incorporates an AJAX feature that revolutionizes the shopping cart experience. With a single click, customers can add items to their carts without having to reload the entire page. This streamlined process enhances user satisfaction and encourages higher conversion rates.

4. Side Cart for Convenience:

Gone are the days of navigating back and forth to view the shopping cart. Kadence introduces a side cart functionality that automatically opens when a product is added, providing customers with a convenient way to review their selections without interrupting their browsing experience.

5. Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Builders:

Creating a captivating website has never been easier with Kadence’s intuitive drag-and-drop builders. Whether you want to design the entire website or focus solely on the header, Kadence offers powerful builders that empower you to bring your vision to life without requiring any coding knowledge.

6. Mega Menu-Style Navigation:

Kadence understands the importance of seamless navigation for an optimal user experience. To that end, it provides multiple column options and dropdown menus, enabling you to generate mega menu-style navigation that effortlessly guides your customers through your store.

7. Starter Templates for Quick Launch:

Time is of the essence when launching an online store. Kadence recognizes this and offers a range of starter templates that provide complete online store designs. Whether you’re selling various types of products or offering online courses, these templates serve as valuable starting points, saving you precious time and effort.

8. Breadcrumbs for Seamless Navigation:

Navigating through a vast online store can be overwhelming for customers. Kadence addresses this concern by incorporating breadcrumbs, guiding users through the shopping process and ensuring they can easily retrace their steps. This intuitive feature enhances user satisfaction and promotes a seamless shopping experience.

Unveiling the Performance Scores: A Closer Look

Performance is a crucial aspect of any website, particularly for online stores where speed and efficiency directly impact user satisfaction and conversion rates. Let’s delve into the performance analysis of Kadence, shedding light on its solid scores and load times.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 89%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 4.1s
  • Total Page Size: 465KB
  • Requests: 42
  • Performance Grade: 86
  • Load Time: 1.86s
  • Page Size: 492.6KB
  • Requests: 42
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 60
  • First Image or Text: 2.9s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.2s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 5.6s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 640ms
  • Total Time: 880ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Kadence emerges as a frontrunner in the realm of GTmetrix PageSpeed scores, and its impressive YSlow score further solidifies its position as a performance-oriented theme. While its load times may be slightly slower compared to some competitors on the list, Kadence still maintains a level of speed that can be deemed as highly efficient. The mobile performance results are decent as well, showcasing Kadence’s ability to deliver a satisfactory experience across devices. In conclusion, Kadence proves to be a reliable and speedy theme that empowers WooCommerce store owners to create exceptional online experiences for their customers.

With its comprehensive set of features, stellar performance scores, and commitment to user satisfaction, Kadence stands tall as an exceptional choice for anyone seeking the fastest WooCommerce themes available. Take your online store to new heights with Kadence and experience the power of seamless performance and captivating design.

ShopIsle: Empowering Your Online Store with Speed and Flexibility

When it comes to fast and intuitive WordPress themes, the developers at ThemeIsle and CodeInWP have gained a loyal following. Their collection of themes is renowned for their exceptional speed and user-friendly interface. Among these remarkable themes, ShopIsle shines as a dedicated online store template, designed specifically for WooCommerce. Let’s explore the features, pricing, and performance analysis of ShopIsle to understand why it stands out in the world of ecommerce.

A Seamless Shopping Experience

ShopIsle offers a range of features that make it an ideal choice for various online stores, as well as the creation of one-page websites. The theme’s default demo includes a visually appealing hero image, a user-friendly menu, a shopping cart icon, a convenient search bar, and a sidebar filter. Moreover, ShopIsle incorporates interactive and animated buttons that overlay on top of your product galleries, adding a touch of creativity without compromising performance.

Pricing Options to Suit Your Needs

ShopIsle caters to different budgets and requirements with its flexible pricing options. You can start with the free version of the theme, allowing you to experience its capabilities without any financial commitment. For those seeking enhanced features and premium support, the premium version is available for $69. Additionally, business and agency upgrades are available for $99 and $199, respectively, providing further customization and support options.

Notable Features Enhancing Your Store’s Potential

ShopIsle offers several notable features that empower you to create a compelling and efficient online store. Let’s take a closer look at some of these features:

1. Seamless Integration with Page Builders:

ShopIsle seamlessly integrates with popular page builders like SiteOrigin, Beaver Builder, and Elementor. This compatibility enables you to customize your store with ease, leveraging the full potential of these powerful tools.

2. Sidebar Filter for Efficient Categorization:

Effortlessly categorize your product listings with ShopIsle’s sidebar filter. This feature allows customers to navigate through your offerings based on price, product categories, and more, enhancing their shopping experience and improving conversion rates.

3. Responsive Mega Menu with Sub Mega Menus:

ShopIsle introduces a responsive mega menu with sub mega menus, providing ample space to showcase product information and other relevant content. This comprehensive navigation system ensures easy access to key sections of your store, promoting user engagement and satisfaction.

4. Streamlined Configuration and Demo Setup:

Save time and effort with ShopIsle’s one-minute configuration and demo setup process. This user-friendly feature allows you to quickly set up your store and start selling without any hassle.

5. Custom Backgrounds for Brand Consistency:

Maintain brand consistency by incorporating custom backgrounds that align with your visual identity. ShopIsle enables you to add media items that resonate with your brand, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your store.

6. Live Customizer for Real-Time Previews:

Visualize the changes to your website in real-time with ShopIsle’s live customizer. This invaluable feature allows you to experiment with different designs, layouts, and color schemes, ensuring your store represents your vision accurately.

7. Localization and Translation-Ready Files:

Expand your reach to global markets with ShopIsle’s translation-ready files. By localizing your product listings and making your store accessible in multiple languages, you can attract a broader customer base and drive international sales.

8. Engaging Button Animations and Parallax Effects:

Inject creativity and visual appeal into your store without compromising speed. ShopIsle offers button animations and parallax elements that captivate your visitors and provide an immersive browsing experience.

9. Full Integration with WooCommerce:

Seamlessly integrate your store with WooCommerce, the leading ecommerce platform. ShopIsle offers interactive buttons for your shopping cart and search bar, ensuring smooth and intuitive functionality for your customers.

10. Versatile Layouts for Diverse Needs:

ShopIsle provides various layout options, including the popular one-page design suitable for both regular websites and ecommerce stores. This flexibility allows you to customize your store according to your specific requirements and desired user experience.

Unveiling the Performance Scores: Analyzing ShopIsle’s Speed

Performance is a critical aspect of any online store. Let’s delve into the performance analysis of ShopIsle to evaluate its speed and efficiency.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 92%
  • YSlow Score: 85%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.1s
  • Total Page Size: 796KB
  • Requests: 62
  • Performance Grade: 83
  • Load Time: 2.20s
  • Page Size: 840.4KB
  • Requests: 62
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 41
  • First Image or Text: 3.9s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 8.4s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 8.2s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 526ms
  • Total Time: 765ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

ShopIsle exhibits impressive performance scores, with commendable results in most tests. However, it’s worth noting that ShopIsle received a lower score in the Google Mobile test, which impacted its overall ranking when considering all four performance scores. Nevertheless, the other three scores demonstrate ShopIsle’s capability to deliver efficient load times and a seamless browsing experience.

In conclusion, ShopIsle remains a compelling choice for WooCommerce store owners seeking a fast and flexible theme. Its extensive feature set, exceptional performance scores, and compatibility with popular page builders make it a valuable asset for building remarkable online stores. Elevate your ecommerce venture with ShopIsle and offer your customers an exceptional shopping experience while achieving your business goals.

AccessPress Store: A Fast and Functional WooCommerce Theme

AccessPress Store is a highly efficient WooCommerce theme that excels in both functionality and performance. With its extensive list of clickable buttons, interactive elements, and customizable modules, it offers a rich design experience for developers and store owners. The theme’s impressive performance scores and feature set make it a compelling choice for creating exceptional online stores. Let’s explore its notable features, pricing, and performance analysis in more detail.

Functionality and Design Customization

AccessPress Store empowers you to create a unique and visually appealing online store. The theme provides numerous widgets and customizable modules that allow you to arrange elements on the homepage, footer, sidebar, and product galleries. With options like a built-in wishlist, client logo section (for B2B stores), testimonial and team sections, product and category tabs, and customizable checkout pages, AccessPress Store offers an extensive range of features to enhance your store’s functionality and personalized touch.

Pricing Options

AccessPress Store offers a free version, allowing you to experience its capabilities without any financial commitment. If you require additional features and premium support, the premium version is available for $55.

Notable Features

AccessPress Store comes packed with notable features to enhance your online store:

  • Optimized homepage with customizable widget spaces for a unique look.
  • Client logo section for B2B stores.
  • Testimonial and team sections to add a personalized element and drive sales.
  • Multiple tabs to showcase products and categories.
  • Customizable and sales-optimized checkout pages.
  • Ecommerce-focused widgets, such as displaying the most recent products added to your store.
  • Page banner for promotions and company news.
  • Over 14 widgets to personalize your homepage.
  • Four blog layouts for engaging content.
  • WooCommerce-specific settings, including WooCommerce archive layout options.
  • Promo ticker to create a sense of urgency for sales.
  • Mega menu for improved navigation.
  • Advanced product and content searching capabilities.
  • YouTube integration to add videos to the homepage and product pages.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

AccessPress Store’s performance scores demonstrate its commitment to speed and efficiency. Let’s delve into the performance analysis of AccessPress Store to evaluate its load times and overall performance.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 93%
  • YSlow Score: 85%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.3s
  • Total Page Size: 741KB
  • Requests: 61
  • Performance Grade: 82
  • Load Time: 1.40s
  • Page Size: 778.8KB
  • Requests: 61
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 54
  • First Image or Text: 4.1s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 6.2s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 6.9s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 676ms
  • Total Time: 939ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

AccessPress Store showcases impressive performance scores across GTMetrix, YSlow, and Pingdom, positioning it as a fast and reliable theme. Although the Google mobile speed test score was slightly lower than expected, AccessPress Store still maintains an above-average performance compared to other themes.

In terms of load time testing, AccessPress Store emerges as a top contender, demonstrating remarkable load times in GTMetrix, Pingdom, and TTFB tests. The only area where AccessPress Store faced some challenges was in the mobile speed load test, but it still outperformed many other themes.

In summary, AccessPress Store combines functionality, customization options, and impressive performance

Hello Elementor: A Versatile and Speedy WooCommerce Theme

Hello Elementor is a minimalist and versatile WooCommerce theme developed by the team behind the popular Elementor page builder. Known for its blank canvas approach, Hello Elementor provides a lightweight and speedy foundation for creating highly customizable online stores. With its seamless integration with Elementor, Hello Elementor offers a sleek design and a range of powerful features. Let’s explore its notable features, pricing, and performance analysis.

Minimalist Design and Elementor Integration

Hello Elementor embraces a minimalist design philosophy, offering a clean and flexible interface. It seamlessly integrates with the Elementor page builder, allowing you to design and customize your online store with ease. The theme is particularly well-suited for creating landing pages that focus on specific elements to maximize conversions. With WooCommerce integration, Hello Elementor becomes an exceptional tool for building effective online stores.

Pricing Options

Hello Elementor is available as a free theme. However, to access additional features like pro widgets, templates, and the WooCommerce Builder, you can upgrade to the personal plan for $49 per year. Additional plans are available for multiple sites.

Notable Features

Hello Elementor comes with an array of features to enhance your WooCommerce store:

  • Direct integration with the powerful Elementor page builder.
  • Option to upgrade to the WooCommerce Builder, providing specialized modules for building your store.
  • More than 15 shop widgets to customize your online store.
  • Support for dynamic content and custom fields, offering enhanced flexibility.
  • Over 80 basic and advanced widgets that can be utilized for both your online store and other parts of your website.
  • A vast library of over 300 templates, including designs and tools specifically tailored for online stores.
  • Pricing tables and unique selling templates for various marketplaces, bookstores, and more.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Hello Elementor consistently receives excellent speed ratings and is widely regarded as one of the fastest WooCommerce themes available. Let’s delve into the performance analysis of Hello Elementor to evaluate its speed and efficiency.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 90%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 2.9s
  • Total Page Size: 435KB
  • Requests: 41
  • Performance Grade: 86
  • Load Time: 1s
  • Page Size: 461.3KB
  • Requests: 41
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 75
  • First Image or Text: 2.6s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 5.0s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 5.1s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 595ms
  • Total Time: 1143ms
  • Request Size: 200b
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Hello Elementor excels in performance scores, consistently achieving high ratings across GTMetrix, YSlow, Pingdom, and Google Mobile speed tests. With the highest average score among all four tests, Hello Elementor stands out as a top performer. Notably, it boasts the best Google mobile score among all themes evaluated.

Regarding load times, Hello Elementor secures a commendable second-place finish when considering the results from all four tests. Its Time To First Byte (TTFB) is remarkably fast, and both Pingdom and GTMetrix load times confirm Hello Elementor’s speed capabilities in the realm of WooCommerce themes.

In summary, Hello Elementor combines versatility, speed, and lightweight files to offer an exceptional WooCommerce theme experience.

Storefront: The Official WooCommerce Theme

Storefront is the default framework developed by the WooCommerce team themselves. As the official WooCommerce theme, it serves as an excellent starting point for building an online store with WordPress. The theme integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce and offers various customization options to tailor the design, from shopping cart functionality to product galleries.

Storefront provides an ecommerce-focused homepage with options for showcasing on-sale items and product ratings. It is an ideal choice for developers looking to practice their skills or create a custom store from scratch. Additionally, Storefront offers a range of child themes designed for different industries, such as delis, pro shops, home stores, and boutiques.

Pricing Options

The Storefront theme itself is free, but some of the child themes are available for purchase. These child themes typically cost around $40.

Notable Features

Storefront boasts several notable features that enhance the online store-building experience:

  • A collection of child themes and demos tailored to various industries, offering specialized designs for different types of stores.
  • Seamless integration with WooCommerce and compatibility with various WooCommerce extensions, allowing for extended functionality.
  • A grid-based system that aids in organizing products and arranging design elements.
  • A visual customizer that enables easy customization of colors, fonts, and more.
  • An ecommerce-focused homepage with features for product galleries, on-sale items, and featured products.
  • Displays for product categories and ratings.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Storefront is recognized for its lightweight and clean design, making it a popular choice for launching online stores. However, let’s analyze its performance in terms of speed and efficiency.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 93%
  • YSlow Score: 88%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.2s
  • Total Page Size: 632KB
  • Requests: 54
  • Performance Grade: 83
  • Load Time: 1.02s
  • Page Size: 670.2KB
  • Requests: 54
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 23
  • First Image or Text: 4.2s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.1s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 9.1s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 710ms
  • Total Time: 967ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

In terms of performance scores, Storefront demonstrates a decent performance across GTMetrix, YSlow, and Pingdom tests. However, the overall mobile score from PageSpeed Insights is the lowest among the themes evaluated. The Pingdom performance grade is also relatively low.

Regarding load times, Storefront ranks among the top five themes in terms of GTMetrix load times. The Pingdom and TTFB load times perform well, but the Mobile Speed Index raises concerns.

To summarize, while Storefront is generally fast and lightweight, its mobile performance could be improved. It’s worth considering these factors when choosing a WooCommerce theme for your online store.

GeneratePress: Lightweight and Fast Theme

GeneratePress is a highly regarded theme known for its lightweight nature and impressive speed tests. Not only does GeneratePress have an attractive and modern appearance, but it also delivers exceptional speed performance, particularly on blank WordPress sites.

Even when loaded with additional plugins, including WooCommerce and numerous products, GeneratePress maintains its fast load times, making it a reliable choice for an optimized online store.

GeneratePress serves as a framework with integrations for page builders and offers extensive customization options through full layout control and plugin compatibility. Its site library caters to various businesses, providing templates for blogs, business homepages, and ecommerce themes suitable for clothing shops and Amazon-like stores.

Pricing Options

GeneratePress is available for free, offering a solid set of features. The premium version, which includes unlimited website support and full access to the template library, can be purchased for $49.95 per year. This pricing is quite affordable for a premium membership.

Notable Features

GeneratePress includes several notable features that enhance the ecommerce experience:

  • Multiple demos to install on the GeneratePress framework theme, with many incorporating ecommerce designs and shopping cart functionality.
  • Layout control for customizing the theme’s appearance on different devices, such as tablets and desktops.
  • Page builder options for easy control over design modules, allowing you to rearrange product images, homepage galleries, and more.
  • Hooks and filters that expand the range of customization options available to developers.
  • Additional colors and typography options specifically designed for WooCommerce stores.
  • An advanced menu for creating off-canvas menu items and mobile navigation.
  • Full-width backgrounds that showcase products in high resolution without compromising website speed.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

GeneratePress has consistently demonstrated impressive speed and efficiency in previous tests, making it one of the fastest themes available. However, let’s see how it performs with various media types and full ecommerce functionality.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 88%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 2.7s
  • Total Page Size: 516KB
  • Requests: 51
  • Performance Grade: 84
  • Load Time: 1.01s
  • Page Size: 550.5KB
  • Requests: 51
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 62
  • First Image or Text: 3.3s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 5.1s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 5.2s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 631ms
  • Total Time: 911ms
  • Request Size: 200b
  • Total Header Size: 536b

Performance Test Conclusions

GeneratePress ranks among the top 10 themes when considering the average performance scores from all tests. Individually, each result is respectable, with the mobile test being the only one that may raise some questions.

Furthermore, GeneratePress excels in load times when equipped with WooCommerce, site content, and various plugins. It outperforms most other themes in terms of load times, with the GTMetrix load time being the fastest among the evaluated themes. Additionally, Pingdom and TTFB load times are impressive, and the mobile speed index also demonstrates strong performance.

In conclusion, GeneratePress proves to be a highly efficient and speedy theme, particularly when used for WooCommerce-based online stores. Its impressive performance, coupled with its extensive customization options, makes it a reliable choice for building optimized and visually appealing ecommerce websites.

ShoppingCart: Feature-Rich Ecommerce Theme

ShoppingCart is a theme specifically designed to create feature-rich online stores. It offers stylish designs, media items, and widgets for showcasing your products, both in the backend and frontend interfaces. The theme includes various widgets and banners, allowing you to share information about sales and highlight top products in homepage galleries.

With ShoppingCart, you can choose from multiple layouts and integrate social media buttons to encourage customers to follow your store on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The theme also provides a demo import and configuration process, offering several ecommerce demos to choose from.

Pricing Options

The basic version of the ShoppingCart theme is available for free. However, there are premium plans available:

  • Personal plan: $59
  • Business plan: $79
  • Developer option: $99

These premium plans provide additional features and support.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of the ShoppingCart theme:

  • Theme and plugin library: Offers advanced design opportunities and extends the functionality of the basic theme.
  • Widget areas for banner ads, promotional information, and product links.
  • Multiple layouts for posts and pages.
  • Social icons integration for displaying on the homepage or store.
  • Unique store designs (premium offerings) such as magazine sites, Christmas stores, and supermarkets.
  • Content-rich headers with search bars, mega menus, and shopping cart buttons.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Considering that the ShoppingCart theme is specifically designed for ecommerce, it’s interesting to see how it performs in mobile speed tests, considering its media-rich nature.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 93%
  • YSlow Score: 88%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 4.8s
  • Total Page Size: 601KB
  • Requests: 54
  • Performance Grade: 83
  • Load Time: 1.03s
  • Page Size: 638KB
  • Requests: 54
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 56
  • First Image or Text: 3.2s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 5.9s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 6.8s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 679ms
  • Total Time: 991ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

The ShoppingCart theme achieved respectable PageSpeed, YSlow, and Pingdom scores. However, its average performance was slightly pulled down by the Google mobile test.

In terms of load times, when averaging out the scores, the ShoppingCart theme falls in the middle of the field. However, both Pingdom and TTFB load times remain fast. Once again, the theme exhibits some challenges, particularly in comparison to other themes reviewed in this article, when it comes to the Mobile Speed Index.

In conclusion, the ShoppingCart theme offers a range of features and customization options for creating a feature-rich online store. While it delivers respectable performance scores overall, it may not be as optimized for mobile speed as some other themes on the list. However, it remains a viable option for those seeking a theme specifically tailored for ecommerce purposes.

Shoptimizer: A Fast and Conversion-Focused WooCommerce Theme

Shoptimizer is a WooCommerce theme developed by CommerceGurus, known for its focus on speed and conversions. Designed with performance in mind, Shoptimizer incorporates research from Baymard to optimize conversions, featuring trust badges, distraction-free checkout, and one-click order bumps.

The theme utilizes the lightweight and efficient Elementor page builder, allowing users to create visually appealing layouts easily. With hundreds of options in the customizer, buyers can quickly customize fonts, colors, and settings, instantly previewing the results.

Shoptimizer also includes a unique plugin called CommerceKit, developed by the same team, which adds additional functionality. CommerceKit modules include Ajax search, countdowns, a fast product gallery, order bumps, waitlists, and wishlists.


Shoptimizer is typically priced at $99, but it is often available at a discounted price of $49. The purchase includes updates and support for 12 months, with an option to renew the license for an additional year at $49.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of Shoptimizer:

  • A theme built specifically for WooCommerce, focused on speed and conversions.
  • Instant search suggestions displaying both product and regular content results.
  • Countdown timers for product pages and the checkout.
  • In-built waitlist functionality to collect customer details for out-of-stock products.
  • Dynamic inventory bar display to encourage sales on nearly sold-out items.
  • Single product AJAX add to cart for a quicker purchasing process.
  • Custom product gallery that is faster than the core WooCommerce gallery.
  • Trust badges that can be displayed next to key call-to-action buttons.
  • Distraction-free checkout page for faster conversions.
  • One-click order bumps for the checkout page, increasing the average order value.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Shoptimizer is known for its speed and control over online stores. Let’s evaluate its performance based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 93%
  • YSlow Score: 86%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 1.5s
  • Total Page Size: 482KB
  • Requests: 54
  • Performance Grade: 84
  • Load Time: 873ms
  • Page Size: 775.8KB
  • Requests: 62
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 60
  • First Image or Text: 3.7s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.1s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 5.6s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 49ms
  • Total Time: 49ms
  • Total Header Size: 498b

Performance Test Conclusions

Shoptimizer demonstrates exceptional performance in all speed tests, making it one of the top choices for speed and control. It outperforms in various areas and ranks well across the board. If you’re seeking a theme that offers speed, control, and optimization for conversions, Shoptimizer is worth considering as your theme of choice.

Shopay: A Feature-Rich Ecommerce Theme

Shopay is an ecommerce-focused theme that offers a range of features to enhance your online store. With over 10 widgets and multiple layouts, you can create a unique design for your store. The one-click demo import feature allows you to easily transfer data between sites.

The theme integrates seamlessly with Gutenberg and Page Builder, making it easy to design a visually appealing store. It also includes a visual designer for customizing colors and fonts. Additionally, Shopay offers integration with the YITH Wishlist plugin, allowing you to add wishlist functionality to your WooCommerce store.


Shopay is available for free, but there is also a premium version priced at $59.99 per year.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of Shopay:

  • Multiple layouts for adjusting the homepage to suit different business types.
  • Full WooCommerce integration with options for product galleries and unique shopping carts.
  • Sleek responsiveness for a beautiful presentation of your shopping cart and product catalog on mobile devices.
  • Built-in customizer for live previews and multiple settings.
  • Ecommerce store demos to enhance the appearance of your site or make significant changes.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate Shopay’s performance based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 86%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.5s
  • Total Page Size: 761KB
  • Requests: 62
  • Performance Grade: 84
  • Load Time: 1.19s
  • Page Size: 804.5KB
  • Requests: 62
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 49
  • First Image or Text: 3.7s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.2s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 8.5s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 592ms
  • Total Time: 933ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Shopay performs well in terms of speed and efficiency, although it ranks slightly lower compared to other themes in this analysis. The PageSpeed scores are impressive, and the Pingdom scores are also decent.

When considering page load times, Shopay’s performance remains strong, with favorable GTMetrix and Pingdom load times. However, the mobile speed index shows a slight weakness, although it is not significantly lower.

Overall, Shopay is a feature-rich ecommerce theme that delivers good performance scores, making it a suitable choice for building an online store.

Rife: A Versatile WordPress Theme with Solid Performance

Rife is a multi-purpose WordPress theme developed by Apollo13Themes. It offers a range of demos, import tools, and customization options, allowing you to create various types of websites without the need for coding. Whether you’re building an online store, a lifestyle blog, or a business website, Rife provides a visual and drag-and-drop builder for an exceptional design experience.

The theme includes demos that can instantly transform the default templates into different designs. For example, the WooR demo is tailored for WooCommerce, featuring featured products, quick “add to cart” buttons, and captivating hero banners to boost conversions. While not mandatory, using a demo can simplify the process of setting up WooCommerce on a Rife site.

Rife also offers unique features not commonly found elsewhere. It includes a responsive slider that supports YouTube videos and images, a post grid for highlighting team members or products, and a writing effect that adds animation to your typography, grabbing user attention.

Furthermore, Rife is compatible with popular page builders like Elementor and WPBakery. While it doesn’t have its own drag-and-drop interface, the integrations allow you to use draggable modules during the development process.


  • Core Rife theme: Free to download.
  • Individual License: $39 per year (without customer support), $69 per year (with support), offering premium features and additional designs.
  • Unlimited Plan: $249 per year, providing access to the Rife theme for an unlimited number of sites. Discounts may be available.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of Rife:

  • Full compatibility with WooCommerce, integrated into the core theme.
  • Multiple demos, including an ecommerce-oriented demo with shopping cart, wishlist, and product gallery.
  • Vertical header with shield and badge options for an engaging logo introduction.
  • Mega menu with menu overlay, enabling easy organization of product categories and individual products.
  • Advanced media support for photo proofing, media management, and lightbox settings.
  • Page builder support for Elementor and WPBakery.
  • Over 40 designs for pages, posts, and landing pages.
  • Diverse header variations, such as centered logos, full-width headers, and alternative menus.
  • Professional photography features, like sliders and scrollers, for effective photo selling.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate Rife’s performance based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 93%
  • YSlow Score: 89%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.5s
  • Total Page Size: 819KB
  • Requests: 58
  • Performance Grade: 83
  • Load Time: 1.12s
  • Page Size: 860.8KB
  • Requests: 58
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 49
  • First Image or Text: 3.3s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.5s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 8.1s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 614ms
  • Total Time: 914ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Rife performs well in terms of speed and efficiency, although it falls slightly behind some other themes in this analysis. It achieves an impressive PageSpeed score of 93 and a respectable Pingdom score of 89. The Pingdom performance grade of 83 is average compared to other themes in this test, and the lower Google PageSpeed score indicates that mobile speeds may not be as strong when compared to the rest of the themes.

Regarding load times, Rife’s Pingdom load time is commendable, and the Time To First Byte (TTFB) looks decent. However, the Mobile Speed Index shows slower performance, and the GTMetrix load time is average but still satisfactory. Overall, Rife demonstrates good performance, with minor slowdowns on mobile devices.

In summary, Rife is a versatile WordPress theme with solid performance. It offers a wide range of features, various design options, and compatibility with popular page builders, making it a suitable choice for creating different types of websites.

Boutique: A Stylish Fashion Ecommerce Theme with Solid Performance

Boutique is a stylish and modern fashion ecommerce theme designed with elegance and conversion-oriented elements in mind. While it primarily caters to online stores in the clothing industry, it can also be adapted for other industries such as jewelry, technology, and lifestyle brands.

The theme features a clean and minimalistic design, with plenty of whitespace and a powerful header that allows for the integration of social media outlets, large menus, and announcements. It offers options for simple product catalogs with animations and neutral colors to highlight your products effectively. The footer is designed with a minimalist approach and provides widget areas for important information such as privacy statements, shipping details, or email subscription forms. Product pages are kept clean and focused, displaying essential information like descriptions and photos.


  • Standard theme: Free.
  • Premium version: $49 (one-time fee) with support and updates included.
  • All themes package: $99, providing access to all themes from the developers.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of the Boutique theme:

  • XML demo content to kickstart your design process.
  • A simple homepage slider with buttons, text, and imagery.
  • A centered logo spot and an elegant header with social media links.
  • User-friendly menu with dropdowns.
  • Homepage widgets to showcase announcements, promotions, and products.
  • Product galleries with lightweight and non-distracting animations.
  • Customizable footer module.
  • Product pages that maintain simplicity while including customer reviews.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate the performance of the Boutique theme based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 91%
  • YSlow Score: 79%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 2.8s
  • Total Page Size: 586KB
  • Requests: 59
  • Performance Grade: 81
  • Load Time: 1.98s
  • Page Size: 624KB
  • Requests: 59
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 47
  • First Image or Text: 4.4s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.1s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 6.4s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 587ms
  • Total Time: 828ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Boutique performs decently in terms of speed and efficiency, although it ranks lower compared to some other themes in this analysis. It achieves a PageSpeed score above 90, indicating good optimization. However, it lags behind in YSlow, Pingdom, and Google Mobile performance scores, placing it towards the back of the line in terms of overall performance.

In terms of load times, Boutique demonstrates satisfactory results. It has one of the fastest GTMetrix load times among the tested themes and a respectable Time To First Byte (TTFB). However, its performance is relatively slower in the Pingdom and Mobile Speed loading times.

In summary, Boutique is a stylish fashion ecommerce theme that offers a clean and elegant design for online stores. While its performance scores may not be at the top, it still provides satisfactory speed and efficiency. If you prioritize aesthetics and a modern design for your fashion-focused ecommerce site, Boutique could be a suitable choice.

Zakra Online Store: A Versatile Theme with Solid Performance

Zakra is a multi-purpose WordPress theme with a large user base, offering a well-designed infrastructure for building various types of websites. It provides easy customization tools, a lightweight framework, and seamless integration with WooCommerce for creating online stores. The theme supports popular page builders, such as Gutenberg and Elementor, and is AMP-ready, ensuring fast loading speeds on mobile devices.

With Zakra, you have the flexibility to convert the standard theme into an online store or choose from dozens of prebuilt ecommerce templates available in the Zakra library. These templates come with ecommerce galleries, portfolios, and shopping cart tools, providing deep design options for your online store.


  • Zakra has a free core version.
  • The pro option is priced at $49 per year for a single site.
  • Additional sites can be added at an increased price.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of Zakra Online Store:

  • Multiple starter demos with prebuilt homepages and blogs, including options specifically tailored for ecommerce websites.
  • Drag-and-drop integrations, allowing seamless connections with popular page builders like Gutenberg and Elementor.
  • Dynamic and customizable headers and footers, along with advanced customization options for widgets and menus.
  • Visual builder for styling WooCommerce elements.
  • Optimized product catalogs and widgets.
  • Dedicated sidebars and layouts for WooCommerce.
  • Related product module to showcase on any product page.
  • Menu styling and tools for expanding menu size, creating a mega menu-like effect.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate the performance of Zakra Online Store based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 90%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 7.9s
  • Total Page Size: 536KB
  • Requests: 49
  • Performance Grade: 85
  • Load Time: 1.26s
  • Page Size: 567.2KB
  • Requests: 48
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 59
  • First Image or Text: 2.8s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 8s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 4.9s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 2726ms
  • Total Time: 3013ms
  • Request Size: 200b
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

In terms of performance scores, Zakra Online Store ranks in the top five among all the themes tested. It achieves a PageSpeed score of 94 and a YSlow score of 90, indicating excellent optimization. The theme performs well in terms of load times, with a fast Pingdom load time of 1.26s and satisfactory results in other speed tests.

However, it’s worth noting that there was a discrepancy in the load time testing, where Zakra Online Store produced worse load times compared to other themes. This could be due to conflicting plugins or specific configurations. Nevertheless, the mobile speed test yielded quick results, indicating that Zakra performs exceptionally well on smaller devices.

Overall, Zakra Online Store is a versatile theme with solid performance. It offers a wide range of customization options, seamless integration with WooCommerce, and good optimization for speed. If you’re looking for a versatile theme to build an online store, Zakra can be a reliable choice.

Neve: A Lightweight and Versatile WordPress Theme

Neve is a highly popular WordPress theme known for its attention to detail and wide adoption among developers. It offers a lightweight and versatile design process, making it easy to configure beautiful websites. Developed by ThemeIsle, Neve is renowned for its clean code and quality support.

While Neve integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, allowing you to add a shop and cart to your site, it goes beyond that by providing a range of free and premium demos and child themes. These resources enable you to quickly launch stunning online store displays.


  • Neve has a free version available for download.
  • The premium version starts at $59 per year and includes custom layouts (including WooCommerce demos), premium support, and various boosters.
  • Additional plans with more features and add-ons are available on the ThemeIsle website.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of Neve:

  • A full ecommerce storefront demo.
  • Child themes and other demo content to populate your Neve-powered online store.
  • Integration with popular drag-and-drop builders like Beaver Builder and Elementor.
  • An Elementor Booster that adds seven new design modules, some of which are specifically designed for online stores.
  • Custom layouts for headers and footers.
  • An advanced header designer with improved styling and social buttons.
  • A WooCommerce Booster pack for designing product galleries and customizing element placement and sizing.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate the performance of Neve based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 90%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.3s
  • Total Page Size: 460KB
  • Requests: 44
  • Performance Grade: 86
  • Load Time: 1.08s
  • Page Size: 487.7KB
  • Requests: 44
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 66
  • First Image or Text: 2.7s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 5.1s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 4.9s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 606ms
  • Total Time: 894ms
  • Request Size: 200b
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Neve sets a benchmark for speed and lightweight design, showcasing its commitment to providing fast and efficient themes. While the inclusion of WooCommerce demos may slightly impact its performance, quality hosting and optimization can easily mitigate any slowdown.

In terms of performance scores, Neve excels across the board. It achieved high scores in PageSpeed, YSlow, and Pingdom tests, reflecting its commitment to optimization.

The WooCommerce test results for Neve align with the findings from testing regular WordPress themes. Neve exhibits impressive page load times, particularly on mobile devices.

Overall, Neve is a lightweight and versatile WordPress theme that delivers excellent performance. With its range of features, integrations with popular page builders, and strong performance scores, Neve is a reliable choice for building efficient and visually appealing online stores.

Virtue: A Stylish and Versatile WooCommerce Theme

Virtue is a highly praised WooCommerce theme known for its stylish homepage design and feature-rich customizer. Developed by Kadence Themes, Virtue showcases the developers’ expertise in creating fast and efficient templates.

While Virtue is built on the foundation of the standard Kadence theme, it is specifically tailored for ecommerce store owners. The theme offers a blend of features for shopping carts and product galleries, making it suitable for various businesses. Its design has a slightly masculine look, but the colors can be customized to fit any brand.

With responsive elements and access to Kadence builder blocks, Virtue provides a user-friendly design environment. Other notable features include a boxed layout and a customizable header layout, allowing you to move your logo or add multiple menus for your products.


  • Virtue offers a free version.
  • The premium option is priced at $75 per year, which includes one year of support and updates.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of Virtue:

  • Unique settings for adding infinite scrolling, shortcodes, and premium icons.
  • Direct integration with Google Analytics.
  • Sticky header option.
  • Premium widgets, many of which are optimized for WooCommerce.
  • Mega menu for adding extensive product category links.
  • Testimonial posts to showcase social proof.
  • One-click demo importer to transform your website into an online store quickly.
  • Premium slider with text animation, parallax scrolling, and background video support.
  • Powerful options panel with various site layout styles and header options.
  • Multiple lists and grid styles for the blog.
  • Useful WooCommerce features like custom tabs, layout styles, and button swatches.
  • Fully customizable header layout with tools to modify logos and menus.
  • Boxed layout option for a more contained configuration.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate the performance of Virtue based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 76%
  • YSlow Score: 90%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.2s
  • Total Page Size: 1210KB
  • Requests: 50
  • Performance Grade: 86
  • Load Time: 1.20s
  • Page Size: 1300KB
  • Requests: 50
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 56
  • First Image or Text: 2.3s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 6.8s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 7.5s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 849ms
  • Total Time: 1102ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

While Virtue received a low PageSpeed score from GTMetrix, the YSlow and Pingdom tests produced satisfactory results. Overall, the slightly lower PageSpeed score, combined with a below-average Google Mobile score, impacted the average performance results for Virtue, placing it towards the lower end among the themes tested.

However, Virtue compensated for the inconsistent performance scores with relatively fast page loading times. It ranked among the top ten themes in terms of GTMetrix and Pingdom load times. Although its TTFB and Mobile Speed results weren’t leading in the testing group, they were still respectable.

In conclusion, Virtue is a stylish and versatile WooCommerce theme that offers affordability and design prowess. While its performance scores may vary, it delivers rapid page loading times and comes packed with useful features for building an impressive online store.

Online Shop: A Straightforward WooCommerce Theme

Online Shop may have a simple name, but its design and interface are straightforward and focused on its purpose as an online shop theme. It offers a wide range of features and customizable modules on the homepage, making it suitable for building various types of online stores.

The theme allows you to customize widgets and create a header that resembles popular online marketplaces. The header options include contact information, wishlist buttons, and social media buttons. You can even add store hours and a location link for physical stores.

Online Shop provides multiple menus that can complement each other or add additional functionality to the main menu. With a variety of homepage widgets and customization tools, you can create different types of online stores, such as clothing stores and technology shops. While the theme comes with a built-in slider, you also have the option to use more powerful slider plugins like Slider Revolution.


  • Online Shop offers a free download version.
  • The pro version has two pricing options: $55 for the personal license and $99 for the developer license.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of Online Shop:

  • One-click demo import to quickly start with the design from the demo.
  • Over nine widgets designed for ecommerce to enhance various parts of the site.
  • Integration with popular page builders like Page Builder and Site Origin.
  • Unlimited sliders that can be placed on any page of the website.
  • A sleek featured products section to attract and engage customers.
  • Customization options for the header, including address, contact information, and social media links.
  • Header image and video spot that can be linked to other pages and played on the website’s landing page.
  • Advertisement areas for displaying ads if desired.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate the performance of Online Shop based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 86%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.3s
  • Total Page Size: 655KB
  • Requests: 55
  • Performance Grade: 82
  • Load Time: 1.07s
  • Page Size: 692.9KB
  • Requests: 55
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 52
  • First Image or Text: 3.7s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.4s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 6.3s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 636ms
  • Total Time: 885ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Online Shop falls within the average range in terms of performance scores. It achieved a relatively high PageSpeed score and a respectable Pingdom grade. The YSlow score was slightly lower compared to the other scores, and the Google mobile score was the weakest aspect of Online Shop’s performance.

In terms of load times, Online Shop performed well, hovering around a three-second load time according to GTMetrix, making it a strong contender. Both the Time To First Byte (TTFB) and Pingdom load times were fast.

However, Online Shop was slower in terms of the Mobile Speed Index from Google, which affected its overall score in that category.

In conclusion, Online Shop is a straightforward WooCommerce theme with a focus on online stores. It offers a range of customization options and features, making it suitable for different types of ecommerce websites. While its performance scores were average overall, it delivered fast load times in some areas, positioning it as a strong competitor.

The Shop: A Minimalist and Lightweight WooCommerce Theme

The Shop is a WooCommerce-compatible theme designed as a complete ecommerce solution. It boasts a simple and lightweight design, using a basic slider and text boxes to showcase promotions and products.

With The Shop theme, you can incorporate multiple menus and display product collections in various sections of the homepage. Additionally, the theme offers options to showcase blog posts and product reviews through compatible extensions.

Provided as a free download from aThemes, The Shop theme doesn’t have a premium version. However, there are a few extensions available to enhance your design. The theme provides various color options for branding and allows you to adjust typography. Setting up the theme is easy and can be done within minutes, and aThemes’ support team is known for their timely assistance. The theme is accompanied by tutorial videos to guide you through the design process. The Shop theme also includes several page templates to help you quickly generate a layout that suits your business.


  • The Shop is completely free to download.
  • It offers a Footer Credit add-on as an extension, which costs $5.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of The Shop theme:

  • Full support for WooCommerce.
  • A custom homepage with options to add banners, product galleries, and more.
  • Two menus that complement each other and function as separate entities. You can have one at the top of the header and another below the header, catering to different purposes.
  • A slider to create a sleek header image with support for multiple photos, text, and call-to-action buttons.
  • Simple configuration process for easy installation and setup.
  • Page templates to replicate the theme demo’s homepage layout and extend pages with full width or other formats.
  • Color options to instantly change the color scheme or modify specific elements.
  • Support for Google Fonts, offering access to over 600 fonts for typography customization.
  • Several blog options for formatting blog posts and displaying a list of posts on the homepage.
  • Translation-ready tools for adapting the theme to different languages.
  • Customization options through the WordPress Live Customizer, providing preview changes and quick settings.
  • Text banners and icons.
  • Support for product reviews.
  • Footer credit extension for customizing a portion of the footer.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s assess the performance of The Shop theme based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 83%
  • YSlow Score: 87%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.5s
  • Total Page Size: 1640KB
  • Requests: 55
  • Performance Grade: 82
  • Load Time: 1.60s
  • Page Size: 1700KB
  • Requests: 55
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 46
  • First Image or Text: 3.4s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.5s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 8.9s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 644ms
  • Total Time: 913ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

In terms of performance scores, The Shop theme falls towards the lower end. While it still achieved a PageSpeed score in the 80s, it was one of the few themes in the test to have a sub-90 score. The YSlow score was fine, and the Pingdom results were acceptable. However, the Google Mobile test yielded lower results.

Regarding load times, The Shop performed decently, with a respectable GTMetrix load time. However, the Pingdom load time was slower compared to many other themes on the list. The Mobile Speed Index was also relatively slow. The Time To First Byte (TTFB) result was decent.

In conclusion, The Shop is a minimalist and lightweight WooCommerce theme that focuses on simplicity and speed. It provides several customization options and features, making it suitable for creating an elegant online store. While its performance scores were not as high as some other themes, it still delivered satisfactory load times in certain areas.

Vogue: A Calm and Elegant WooCommerce Theme

Vogue is a WooCommerce theme that emanates a sense of calm and simplicity through its design. It is specifically crafted for jewelry, fashion, and lifestyle brands, featuring elegant fonts and neutral colors to create a sophisticated aesthetic.

The theme offers unique tools such as a scrolling social media tab that allows you to link your social pages, and a straightforward header with space for social buttons and contact information.

Vogue is tailored to online store owners and seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce. It provides interactive shopping cart icons and product galleries, allowing you to showcase your products effectively. The theme offers four header layouts and is fully responsive, ensuring an optimal viewing experience on all devices.

While Vogue is marketed as a multi-purpose theme, it excels particularly well for online stores. Its color settings enable easy customization to match your brand, and its clean design directs attention to the right areas. Vogue is a stable and speedy solution, featuring a lightweight design that developers appreciate. It also provides access to developer hooks and options to incorporate additional functionality.


  • Vogue has a free version available for download.
  • The premium version of Vogue is priced at $25.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of the Vogue theme:

  • Custom WooCommerce design with built-in SEO tools.
  • Extendable elements such as developer hooks and custom CSS boxes.
  • Compatibility with advanced page builders.
  • Multiple footer layouts to display essential information.
  • Several blog layouts to choose from.
  • Multiple header layouts with space for social media buttons and contact information.
  • Full-color settings to customize individual or all colors.
  • Stylish menu with an option for sticky navigation.
  • Dropdown basket for WooCommerce, with settings to remove cart items.
  • Top bar for announcements or store information.
  • Shortcode for adding sliders to any page.
  • Slider customization tools for adding text and buttons.
  • Unique WooCommerce features for controlling the number of products per row or page.
  • Options to set WooCommerce pages to full width or sidebar.
  • Image zooming, lightboxes, and product borders.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate the performance of the Vogue theme based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 93%
  • YSlow Score: 84%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.7s
  • Total Page Size: 894KB
  • Requests: 60
  • Performance Grade: 81
  • Load Time: 1.01s
  • Page Size: 942.2KB
  • Requests: 60
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 51
  • First Image or Text: 3.7s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 7.2s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 6.6s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 647ms
  • Total Time: 899ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

In terms of performance scores, Vogue falls within the mid to below-average range. Its PageSpeed, YSlow, and Pingdom scores are solid, indicating good performance. However, it receives a lower score in the Google mobile test, affecting its overall standing.

Regarding load times, Vogue performs well in GTMetrix and TTFB load times, but slightly lags behind other themes in the pack. It excels in the Pingdom score. However, its average performance is impacted by a slower Mobile Speed Index.

In conclusion, Vogue is a WooCommerce theme that offers a serene and elegant design, particularly suitable for online stores. It provides essential features for an efficient ecommerce experience.

Woostify: A Lightweight and Feature-Rich WooCommerce Theme

Woostify is a WooCommerce theme that combines functionality with a user-friendly interface. It offers a range of homepage options, multiple demo designs, and a header with an announcement area and interactive buttons to enhance the user experience.

In the header, you can include user, wishlist, and shopping cart icons, as well as a search bar for easy product discovery. The slider image is bold and prominent, providing options for header text and buttons.

Woostify is designed to be lightweight and prioritize speed. It integrates smoothly with popular page builders like SiteOrigin and Visual Composer, and it is compatible with various plugins including bbPress and Yoast.

One of the reasons Woostify performs well in speed tests is its efficient use of JavaScript instead of jQuery. By avoiding bulky libraries and minimizing CSS frameworks, the theme prioritizes fast loading times. It adheres to WordPress coding standards and offers PHP support, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. Despite being a free theme, Woostify includes many premium features, and there is an option to upgrade if desired.


  • Woostify has a free version available.
  • The premium theme package is priced at $39 for one site, including one year of support and updates. Unlimited and lifetime plans are also available at higher prices.
  • Premium version includes various add-ons such as a header builder, mega menu, and quick view.

Notable Features

Here are some notable features of the Woostify theme:

  • Integrations with popular page builders like Beaver Builder and Elementor.
  • Support for plugins such as bbPress and BuddyPress.
  • Customizable product page and listing styles.
  • Multi-step checkout with customization options.
  • Hover styles and cart layouts for visual customization.
  • Functional and user-friendly settings in the WordPress Live Customizer.
  • Support for popular product wishlist plugins, along with a product wishlist icon.
  • Video gallery feature for adding videos to product pages.
  • Product swatches to enhance product attributes.
  • Options to transform your site into a multi-vendor marketplace by integrating with plugins.
  • Multiple free and prebuilt demos to choose from, with various header styles, hooks, and filters for customization.
  • Premium add-ons for features like sticky add to cart buttons, sale notifications, and sizing guides.

Performance Analysis: Speed and Efficiency

Let’s evaluate the performance of the Woostify theme based on the speed tests conducted.

GTMetrix Speed Test:
  • PageSpeed Score: 94%
  • YSlow Score: 87%
  • Fully Loaded Time: 3.3s
  • Total Page Size: 645KB
  • Requests: 59
  • Performance Grade: 82
  • Load Time: 4.91s
  • Page Size: 684KB
  • Requests: 59
PageSpeed Insights Test (Mobile-only):
  • Overall Score: 58
  • First Image or Text: 2.8s
  • Speed Index (visible population for all content): 6.2s
  • Time to Become Fully Interactive: 6.8s
Byte Check TTFB Test:
  • Time To First Byte: 629ms
  • Total Time: 917ms
  • Total Header Size: 510b

Performance Test Conclusions

Woostify demonstrates impressive performance results, positioning it around the middle of the pack. It achieves high scores in PageSpeed, YSlow, and Pingdom tests, showcasing its ability to optimize speed. While it performs well overall, there is room for improvement in mobile performance, as indicated by the Google mobile speed test.

In terms of load times, Woostify excels in GTMetrix and TTFB load times, but falls slightly below average in Pingdom load time. Despite this, it delivers a good performance in terms of load times. The Mobile Speed Index is also respectable, except for some inconsistencies in the Pingdom tester.

In summary, Woostify is a lightweight and feature-rich WooCommerce theme that prioritizes speed and user experience. It offers a range of customization options and integrates seamlessly with popular plugins. While there is room for improvement in mobile performance, Woostify delivers a solid performance overall.

Fastest WooCommerce Theme Options

Based on the provided information, here is a summary of the fastest WooCommerce themes ranked based on different performance metrics:

PageSpeed Scores (GTMetrix):

  1. Orchid Store (highest score)
  2. Hello Elementor
  3. Neve
  4. Zakra
  5. Virtue
  6. The Shop (lowest score)

YSlow Scores:

  1. Virtue (highest score)
  2. Hello Elementor
  3. Neve
  4. Zakra
  5. Orchid Store
  6. Boutique (lowest score)

Pingdom Performance Grades:

  1. Orchid Store (highest score)
  2. Hello Elementor
  3. Neve
  4. Kadence
  5. Virtue
  6. Boutique and Vogue (lowest scores)

Google PageSpeed Mobile Test:

  1. Hello Elementor and Orchid Store (best scores)
  2. Neve
  3. Virtue
  4. Zakra
  5. Boutique
  6. Storefront (lowest score)

GTMetrix Load Time:

  1. GeneratePress (fastest)
  2. Boutique
  3. Elementor
  4. Orchid Store and OceanWP
  5. Zakra Online (slowest)

Pingdom Load Time:

  1. Woostify (slowest)
  2. GeneratePress
  3. Hello Elementor
  4. Neve
  5. Kadence
  6. ShopIsle (slowest)

Mobile Speed Index:

  1. Orchid Store (fastest)
  2. Hello Elementor
  3. Neve
  4. Zakra
  5. Virtue
  6. ShopIsle (slowest)

TTFB (Time To First Byte):

  1. ShopIsle (quickest)
  2. Hello Elementor
  3. Neve
  4. Kadence
  5. Virtue
  6. Zakra Online (slowest)

Fastest Average Load Times:

  1. GeneratePress
  2. Hello Elementor
  3. Neve

Slowest Average Load Times:

  1. Zakra Online Store
  2. Woostify
  3. ShopIsle

Please note that these rankings are based on the information provided and the specific performance tests conducted. Other fast WooCommerce themes may exist that were not included in the list.

It’s always recommended to conduct your own research and performance testing to determine the best theme for your specific needs.


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